I'm not sure what to say about this. I'm not sure what to say about the fact that I bought it. Have I reached a new low? Admittedly I am feeling lazy as summer rolls to an end. There are a million pancake mixes out there that only require you add water... and I bought one in a spray can???? In my defense, the kids were begging me, and going to the grocery with the kids is like strolling the market in Mexico. The constant barrage of "buy this" "please please buy this, your so pretty" "I'll do anything if you buy this, please" wears a mother out!
And as for the Whip Its part... I laughed my head off picturing a bunch of moms standing around doing a WI before making their kids breakfast. For the record, I have not done a Whip It in 20 years - it's so 80's.
1 comment:
Hmmm...now I know why my other was so happy at breakfast yesterday...we had pancakes :)
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